Ready to take the first step?

Choose a plan tailored to your needs.

lightning bolt
Hardcore Progress
  • 1:1 video call every week
  • Email check-ins between sessions
  • Tools and worksheets
  • Tough love, as needed
  • Add daily texts for $120/mo
Let's Do It
star icon
Momentum Builder
  • 1:1 video call every two weeks
  • Email check-ins between sessions
  • Tools and worksheets
  • Tough love, as needed
  • Add daily texts for $120/mo
Let's Do It
Strategy Session
  • 60 min deep dive session
  • Identify your goals
  • Create an action plan
  • Plan for obstacles + hiccups
Let's Do It
How it works

What you can expect.

You're ready to take your goals seriously. What happens next?

Your first session.

During our first 1:1 video session, we’ll do a deep dive into your current goals, history with challenging yourself, potential obstacles, and preferred style of coaching. We’ll work with you to identify some areas to begin working on immediately to build momentum.

Build helpful habits.

We believe in meeting you where you are in life, and making sustainable changes that fit into your current lifestyle in order to set you up for success. Small changes create big transformations over time.

Embrace discomfort.

You won’t get to where you want to go by doing the same things you've always done. Change is hard, and we’re 100% relentlessly committed to your success. Your openness to practicing new skills and approaches will unlock a mindset that empowers you to achieve your goals.

Ideal candidates

Is coaching for me?

open minded
Open minded.

True growth doesn’t originate from a place of doubt or pessimism, which is why a firm willingness to try new things is necessary for successful coaching.

Hungry for more.

Your life has already been a spectacular roller-coaster ride, but what’s next? I’ll help you get excited for the next chapter and how to make it happen.

Action takers.

You’re done with good and ready for great. We’ll dive past surface-level hurdles to create breakthroughs and fast, exciting growth.


What does a typical coaching session involve?

You and your coach will discuss what you want to accomplish and what’s been tripping you up. Together, you’ll figure out areas where you can grow and improve and develop a game plan to make it all happen.

Your coach will be your wingman, cheering you on, and holding you accountable for your goals. And at the end of each session, you’ll set your sights on what you want to tackle next time. It’s kind of like having a personal trainer for your life.

Where do the coaching sessions take place?

We fully believe in accommodating whatever works best for our clients. Most of our clients prefer Zoom or a phone call. If you’re local, we’re happy to meet you for a coffee!

How long should I use accountability coaching to truly benefit?

There’s no set time for how long it takes to see the kind of transformation you’re looking for. A lot of it depends on you! The goal is that you keep showing up for yourself. Our monthly plans keep it flexible and fully customizable to whatever works best for you.

That said, we‘ve noticed the 3-month mark is an exciting time for most clients, when small changes really start to add up. We considered creating a 3-month package, but ultimately decided against it in order to keep our coaching as accessible as possible to everyone.

How is coaching different from therapy?

Coaching is a great resource to use alongside therapy and other forms of mental health support. It is not a replacement for therapy.

While coaching and therapy both aim to help you feel optimistic and conquer any hurdles in your life, they’ve got different vibes and aims. Coaching is about taking immediate action and crushing it with your goals.

Conversely, therapy is more geared towards helping you work through past trauma and mental health challenges. Think of life coaching as your hype squad and therapy as your emotional first-aid kit.

How are you different from other accountability coaches?

We don’t like fluff. You’ll never hear us talking about “light and love”. To put it frankly, we like getting shit done and helping you do the same. Our founder, Melissa, grew up as a New Yorker, which comes with a unique ability to get to the point and not let you off the hook so easily.

We also deeply believe in customizing our coaching style to fit our clients. Whether you need an energizer-bunny-cheerleader or a no-nonsense drill sergeant, we meet you where you are, with what works best for you.